'Twilight' Director To Publish Stirring Account Of Making Blockbuster She Didn't Finish

If you couldn't wait for Catherine Hardwicke's candid expose detailing her rise and fall from Twilight glory, well, we're sorry. Twilight: Director's Notebook probably isn't it.
Instead, when Little, Brown's young-adult division publishes the book in mid-March — conveniently coinciding with Twilight's DVD release — expect only the authorized good times: The casting process, the art direction, the chest-hair cultivation, the faint traces of vampire-summoning herbs outside Kristen Stewart's trailer, and the rest of the early-franchise mythology laid out in the style of Hardwicke's own journal from the set. We'll read it, though you industry moles should know that if/when we're quietly forwarded the missing segment recounting the day Summit changed the editing-room locks, we'll self-publish a special edition ourselves. Keep your eyes peeled.