Today we have a magazine supplying its subjects with cocaine, a couple into the rough stuff, a crabs-obsessed rocker, and an entitled actress.

1) 'Which young magazine editor dispenses bags of blow to Hollywood starlets so they can be "extra up" for the photo shoots he arranges? " [Gatecrasher]

2) "Which star couple love whips and bondage in the bedroom? The crazy pair have invented all sorts of excuses for their bruises." [Mirror]

3) "This now married B+ rock star and father with A+ name recognition had a very weird crab obsession. No, not the eating kind. Seems that whenever he went on the road and decided to have some groupie sex, the women he decided to be with had to be completely shaved because he was paranoid about crabs. If she wasn't, she had to right then. Seems he had been the recipient of the infestation not once, but twice and had to do some explaining when he got home from the road." [CDaN]

4) "This thirtyish drama queen was shopping at one of Beverly Hills' ritziest stores recently. She brought several items to the counter, then proceeded to argue with the clerk about the price of each and every item, saying that the store should be grateful for her patronage, and should be giving her the items for free. The exasperated clerk looked the actress in the eye and said "We sometimes do give items to celebrities, Ma'am, but I have absolutely no idea who you are." The celebrity tossed down the clothes and left in a huff. The clerk later confessed to a colleague that she actually did know who the celebrity was but didn't like her attitude and was willing to lose the sale to put her in her place." [BlindGossip]