Bloody, Bruised Rihanna May Be Holding Up Assault Investigation

O, for the old days of last week, when threats were contained to on-set blowups and transformed into danceable mixes. Here are the latest, unsettling details on the Rihanna/Chris Brown case:
Though Rihanna is still in seclusion (with reports alleging she's being treated at Cedars-Sinai), TMZ has more details on the injuries Brown is alleged to have caused.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Rihanna's injuries were severe — two "huge contusions" which swelled up on both sides of her forehead. We're told she also suffered "a bloody lip and nose."
One of the law enforcement people put it this way — the contusions "look like an MMA fighter or something ... [It] looked like she was growing devil's horns."
MediaTakeOut, though, is citing sources close to Rihanna in its report that she is no longer cooperating with the investigation against her boyfriend:
Now can EXCLUSIVELY report that Rihanna does NOT want Chris Brown to be criminally punished for the alleged assault. According to an EXTREMELY reliable insider, Rihanna is NO LONGER assisting investigators in their criminal case against Chris Brown.
Unfortunately for Chris, that's probably not going to make the charges go away. Police claim that, on the scene of the incident, Rihanna identified Chris Brown as the man who assaulted her. Additionally, police have physical evidence. can OFFICIALLY CONFIRM that Rihanna's face and arm were severely bruised in the incident and Chris suffered from minor bruising as well.
There is some evidence in Chris' favor, however. For example, according to a reader on the scene, Rihanna did NOT call the police alleging that Chris assaulted her. It was a bystander that called 9-1-1. Shortly afterwards, the police arrived on scene and interviewed Rihanna.
So yes, in short: things are terrible.