Who Wants to Be a Wired Subscriptionaire?

Last week, we asked which Conde Nast magazine most deserved to live through the Great Magazine Die-Off and you voted to spare Wired. As promised, we're buying ten subscriptions and giving them to you.
Here's how this will work: To give this a Google-search level of difficulty, email us with a) the issue date of the boomtime cover at left, and b) the name of the person who wrote the cover story. The first ten people to respond with the correct answers get a year's subscription.
Please use the subject line "Wired Subscription Contest." Oh, and be sure to include the address where you want your subscription mailed. The standard contest rules apply.
A bit of subscription revenue is literally the least we can do, but it's better than nothing, right?
Update: That was fast. Congratulations: Leon, Orion, Katharine, Jonathan, Jordan, Emma, Garrett, Robbie, James and Adam. Contest over.