Michael Phelps' Nemesis Lawman Jeered by Dope-fiend Sympathizers

Hero South Carolina Sheriff Leon Lott got nearly an ounce of weed off the streets when he arrested eight kids who may have seen Michael Phelps hit a bong. And where's the gratitude? Nowhere!
It seems that even in Sheriff Lott's home territory of Richland County, some people are saying this SWAT Team-style law enforcement action against any and all stoners who may have been connected to the infamous Olympic swimmer is "ridiculous" and a "waste of resources." This is serious police work, people!
Joseph McCulloch, a lawyer for one of the eight, said the deputies ordered one home's three occupants to the ground, seized computers, cellphones and cameras, and later questioned the three extensively about Mr. Phelps. Dick Harpootlian, who represents another of the arrested men, said deputies appeared to be interested primarily in gathering evidence against Mr. Phelps.
"All they asked him was, 'Were you at the party in November with Michael Phelps? Do you know where the bong is? Do you know who did see him?' " said Mr. Harpootlian. Neither attorney would name his client.
Once these cops track down that bong, they just might be able to prove that Michael Phelps smoked the marijuana—which could bring up to a $200 fine. So you see the necessity of the operation. Cut the man some slack.
Both supporters and adversaries said Mr. Lott, a former narcotics officer, was always more "Miami Vice" than "Smokey and the Bandit"
Not sure what that means. But what is sure: Sheriff Lott has already lost the support of Mario Cantone. This PR crisis is now critical. [WSJ]