Did GE corporate issue a memo about this "Twitter" thing? Because all of a sudden, Ann Curry and a bunch of other NBC people are using it. Can't wait to see the Six Sigma metrics!

Disturbingly handsome former MSNBC chief turned media-corrupting journalist-peddler Dan Abrams got shamed into using Twitter by Rachel Sklar, then embarrassed her by doing it wrong.

Don't feel bad, Dan! Octo-mom interviewer Ann Curry also failed on her first day using Twitter. Pesky 140-character limit!

Los Angeles social-media enthusiast and KNBC personality Shira Lazar dreamt of immortality.

1600 host David Shuster did it live.

Twitter-addicted NBC cameraman Jim Long got some sweetness with his coffee.

Anyone else's tweets we should keep an eye on? Send us more Twitter usernames, please.