· Disappointed by the delays facing Steven Soderbergh's brain-melter Cleo? Elton John to the rescue with Pride and Predator, featuring Jane Austen's characters taking on a bloodthirsty space alien. Can't. Wait. [Variety]

· In the biggest film festival coup since maybe ever, veteran Sundance director Geoff Gilmore has defected to Tribeca Enterprises, where he will serve as "Chief Creative Officer." Which will surely thrill the festival's dozen regular attendees. [THR]
· Patrick Goldstein asks: "What happened to the fabled Oscar bounce?" And, right on cue, David Poland says he already answered that question. Much hair-pulling ensues. [LAT]
· Chinatown scribe Robert Towne will collect the AFI Dallas Film Festival's lifetime achievement award. Congrats to Mr. Towne. [Variety]
· Breaking: Actors are poor! [The Wrap]