Terrence Howard Knows How Hard It Is Out There For A Wife-Beating Pimp

Terrence Howard was the sole celebrity to raise a fist voice in solidarity with accused Rhianna-beater Chris Brown—a sympathetic stance that might have something to do with his previous arrest for wife-beating in 2001.
According to a police report obtained by The Smoking Gun, the Iron Man star had a heated exchange with Lori McCommas over the phone, which led to him making threats on her safety:
According to a Whitemarsh Police Department report...the actor warned, "Don't disrespect me by hanging up on me or I'll come over and hurt you." McCommas then "hung up and contacted 911 fearing Howard was serious."
While McCommas was speaking with a police dispatcher, Howard "showed up at the victim's residence and began breaking the door down." McCommas ran to the rear of the house and into the backyard. Howard then "broke the front door down and ran through the screen door in the kitchen. Howard then grabbed the victim's left arm and punched her twice with a closed fist in the left side of the face."
The attack was broken up by Howard's brother, who responded to McCommas's house after he "saw Howard storm out of their house to go to the victim's house." When a Whitemarsh cop responded to the scene, Howard admitted, "I broke the door down and hit my wife." A second officer noted there was "fresh damage to the front door and marks on the victim's face and arm from being struck."
It's an indefensible crime, made no less excusable by Howard's indignant demands to know "how many times dp=o you have to remind them to refill the Wet Ones dispenser before they FINALLY LEARN TO LISTEN?!" as he was led away by Whitemarsh law enforcement in handcuffs.