Callrollah, Please: Meet The Rapping Hollywood Assistants

We'd like to present the mad skillz of hip-hop supergroup Back of the Class:
They're a quartet of rapping Hollywood assistants (or aspiring actors playing Hollywood assistants) who are probably referring to Lloyd from Entourage when they tell you "shorty gonna be a thug," and define street cred by how quickly you can get Ellen Page's lesbian publicist on the phone without checking Outlook. And while we would have posted this anyway, they did an especially nice job of assistanty ass-kissing by including references to going "back to the Death Star," and actually namechecking Defamer at the 3:29 mark (accompanied by a very convincing-looking mock-up post). Nice, fellas! You'll go far in this town. Hit us up if your boss gets shitcanned, and you don't mind having entire plastic takeout containers of salad thrown in your face when you fail to remind the Daily Grill to leave the capers out of our Nicoise.