Today we have an Oscar honoree stepping out on his wife, a diva being a diva, coked-out actresses and reality stars, and some bitchy B-lister saying mean things at fashions shows.

1) "Which married Oscar nominee has been cheating on his wife with a hard-partying starlet?" [NYDN]

2) "Which diva threw a massive hissy-fit when she found her bloke chatting up a blonde waitress at a pre-Oscars party? She had her driver take him home immediately, while she carried on partying." [Mirror]

3) "This current reality star and former B list television actress has a new diet. Coke and more coke as she gladly shared when she was discovered at one show indulging in her 'lunch.' " [CDaN]

4) "It's too bad [the star] from above doesn't share the same dealer as this current C list television actress on a hit television drama who has B+ name recognition because they could maybe get a discount. People couldn't stop commenting on the track marks on her arms when one of her long sleeve tops rolled up her arm. When she discovered it was up she quickly put the sleeve back down and whispered something about medication. Uh huh." [CDaN]

5) "While many celebrities and guests were appalled at Paris & Nicky constantly texting throughout the shows they attended, guests were just as appalled at this B list television star from a hit network ensemble drama who made loud comments about every model and what they were wearing. Loud enough that people across the room could hear her. All of the people sitting with her kept looking away and trying to distance themselves from her remarks which were for the most part really nasty. Oh, and she was smacking on Nicorette while commenting." [CDaN]