Today we have several stories from the Oscars, tales of bitchery and druggery and asshole actor behavior. We also have a terrible misogynist, an aviation exec gone bad, and a plastic surgery.

1) "Which actor snorted cocaine in the bathroom during an Oscar after-party, while a slimmed-down stoner actor smoked pot outside with his pals?" [P6] [Ed. note: Obviously the second one is Sir Anthony Hopkins.]

2) "Which morning cable TV show hostess took off a week recently to get her eyes done and her breasts enlarged?" [P6]

3) "Which aviation honcho is trying to knock down rumors he shacked up with a young hottie who works for him while his pregnant wife was back home and clueless?" [P6]

4) "Which billionaire's son is a scary misogynist? When women balk at his less-than-gentlemanly pickup lines, he calls them bitches and shouts a threat or two." [NYDN]

5) "Which Hollywood actress kept the Oscar ceremony seat warmer unusually busy with her frequent trips to the loo to 'powder her nose'? The poor man kept having to hop into her seat during every ad break." [Mirror]

6) "This is actually from the day prior to the Academy Awards, but it happened in the theatre so I think that is close enough. So, this actor who is A list all the way but has never been nominated for anything that great had a part in the actual show telecast. Comic actor. Mostly movies. Apparently though on Saturday he decided that it was his role to piss everyone off with his behavior. He yelled at the writers of the show saying their work wasn't good enough for him and made them change his lines three times. Surrounded by people who had been working almost 24 hours straight doing backbreaking work, our actor who spent a grand total of one hour at the theatre started snapping his fingers when it was time for him to rehearse and yelling that he had places to go and didn't have time to sit around waiting. I really hate the whole snapping the fingers thing. He seems to like it though." [CDaN]

7) "Which Oscar-nominated actress let loose a string of obscenities at one of the Academy Awards after parties? She looked gorgeous in her long gown, and simply glowed the entire evening. However, the party was crowded, and a famous actor accidentally stepped on the train of her gown. She let out a little shriek, and the man sheepishly apologized and moved his foot. Instead of reacting graciously to the error, our normally well-behaved actress tugged her train towards her and swore loudly enough for several people to hear." [BlindGossip]