Daily News Gossip Girl Leaves For Greener(?) Pastures

Shallon Lester, the NY Daily News gossip girl who caused some hard feelings by trying to land her own reality show and posing for crazy magazine covers, quit today. To become a music flack!
Shallon took a bunch of shots at rival Page Six in an interview with crazytown Jersey gossip mag Steppin Out back in August, which we heard rubbed some of her colleagues the wrong way. But now she's out, by choice! Her farewell email:
Subject: Adios Daily News, Hello Sony!
Hey everyone,
I'm pleased to say I'm moving on from the NY Daily News to a position with Sony, where I'll be writing and expanding all of their artist websites. Please continue to pitch me stuff about any clients, events, fashion, etc, since I'll be writing items on products and events that fit with the artist's fanbase.
And with all the musicians Sony reps, there's something for everyone!
I start on March 13, in the meantime my contact info is below. It was great to work with each and every one of you, let's all stay in touch!
We're not sure if moving from the newspaper business to the music business is a step up or down, but good luck regardless.