'Pansexual' Neal Boulton Quits Gay Magazine
Self-promoting cad Neal Boulton's editorship of gay magazine Genre is a touchy subject. But you can stop asking how much he likes men, because Boulton's on to bigger, more "pansexual" things.
With his BastardLife website launched and a book deal (working title: "Sex Across America") under his perpetually unfastened belt, Boulton is all set to complete his transformation into the walking, self-branded embodiment of screwing anything that moves, throughout the country, constantly. Genre would just get in the way at this point, so Boulton decided to quit.
Is there some way you, Neal Boulton, might be able to leverage this moment to inject some comically transparent self-aggrandizement into the celebrity-industrial news pipeline?
"It's been a good run," Boulton told [Page Six]. "Hell, Anna Wintour had to close Men's Vogue - we're still standing."
An absurd comparison of yourself to the legendary editor of Vogue? Our pants are off to you, Mr. Boulton.
(Pic via Queerty)