Clint Eastwood Yearns For 'Sam the Jew' Jokes

So many unanswered questions: How will Octo-Mom buy the mansion she's picked out? What kind of jokes did Clint Eastwood tell about "Jose?" Where in Warren Beatty's house will Lindsay Lohan live?
- Cllint Eastwood thinks people need to laugh at race jokes, just like in old times, before people lost their sense of humor: "In those earlier days every friendly clique had a 'Sam the Jew' or 'Jose the Mexican.'" Or a "Clint the Jerk Who Constantly Pointed Out Jose Is Mexican, In Case We Forgot." [Mail]
- Octo-mom Nadya Suleman has supposedly picked out a $1.2 million house. No one knows how she plans to buy it. [Cindy Adams]
- Lindsay Lohan can make a movie and maybe rescue her troubled career if she moves in with Warren Beatty and lives under the watchful eye of him and Annette Bening. Wait: There's your movie right there. Or at least an HBO series. [Fox]
- The 48-year-old woman who crashed with Morgan Freeman last summer is suing the actor, and said she's not his mistress. She just wanted to stay in his guesthouse. [People]
- Tom Cruise's sister, a publicist and fervent Scientologist, is still publicly helping run his affairs. She was supposedly demoted at one point but has been reportedly hovering near Cruise for months now.
- Rihanna's friends have instituted a "shroud of secrecy" around the battered singer. Which isn't very surprising. But which is pretty much the only thing the tabloids can report about her, what with the shroud and all. [OK!]