Today we have an unwitting star of a sex tape, a rocker and/or roller who threatened someone with a right bottling, a guy who's just a gigolo, and a terrible cocaine story involving children.

1) "Which sleazy reality star is going to have a cow when he finds out there's a sex tape of him floating around? In it, he's having a threesome with his very best friend." [NYDN]

2) "Which rocker threatened to bottle a rival for getting too randy with his girlfriend? The fella in question had to be held back by pals as he saw his enemy cosying up to his girl." [Mirror]

3) "This happened at an Oscar party, but it involves a television actor. His face may be familiar to you because he has appeared on several other television shows. He he is just now getting his big break, as he will likely be cast in a big role in a new show on the Fall 2009 schedule of a big network. (We say "likely" because casts frequently get shaken up before the shows hit the air). Anyway, the network is hopeful that both women and men will view him favorably as a macho yet approachable handsome leading man. Only problem is he has a past that he would probably like to keep in the past. Another actor who was at one of the Oscar parties told several people that back before our new leading man started making ends meet as an actor, he was making ends meet as a male escort. For men as well as for women. No, it's not Richard Gere." [BlindGossip]

4) "This celebrity couple was on the verge of divorce. He is a guy. She is a B list television actress with A list name recognition who would probably kill her child to get into movies. Well, she almost did kill her child which is why she almost got divorced. Apparently the way it happened was that our actress was doing lines of coke off a glass table in the living room. The only people home were the maid and a child of the actress. A young child who had been watching mommy do lines. Well, the phone rang and mommy went to go get something out of a bedroom while she was on the phone. Five minutes later, the maid found the child imitating mommy at the glass table. Yeah. Apparently the child didn't do it exactly right, because when the family doctor made a house call he couldn't see any damage except for the white powder on the face. While the doctor was there and all this commotion, the husband walked in. He freaked out. Not only because of his child, but also because his wife had told him that she had stopped snorting months earlier. He left with the child after packing up a few things. The marriage was supposed to be over so don't know what brought them back from the brink." [CDaN]