The Rocky Mountain News has rolled the presses for the last time. Here's your Media Crack another-one-bites-the-dust edition:

Everyone is competing to be more-elegiacal-than-thou in Romenesko-mourning the Rocky Mountain News, a Denver newspaper which, in the end, was only notable for being the loser in one of the last few entertaining intra-newspaper wars. Ah, for the days when newspapers killed each other, instead of being done in by intransigence in the face of technological change.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer could be gone within weeks. The solution? Talking about it endlessly!

The American Society of Newspaper Editors has scrapped its 2009 convention. Good thing, as we should know by later this year if there are any newspapers left to edit. The trade group now plans to vote electronically on whether to add website editors and J-school professors to fluff up its ranks. Technology!

Worth has indefinitely delayed its relaunch and laid off editors and salespeople.

Computer Shopper has folded, because of all those people who already shopped for a computer and can now do so online.

Doubledown Media, publisher of Trader Monthly and other Wall Street-focused print titles, has filed for bankruptcy. It has legal troubles, too. No wonder its president, Randall Lane, looks so glum.

(There was absolutely no good news in the world of media. We looked!)