Oh, Twitter! Even senators say the darnedest things on the dynamic compendium of Internet users' stupidest thoughts. "How does one manage a beaver?" asked John McCain mid-pork tirade. More tweets that left us speechless:

Senator John McCain, in the course of criticizing wasteful spending, admitted he couldn't manage a beaver — and then was so ashamed that he deleted his tweet and replaced it sans commentary.

Talking Points Memo editor Lila Pearl tattled on a coworker.

Extremely lazy New York Times food writer Amanda Hesser mommyblogged.

Washington Times White House correspondent Christina Bellantoni rode the bus.

New Yorker music critic Sasha Frere-Jones praised stale brownies.

(Many thanks to the screenshot-grabbing McCain tipster, whose browser had different font settings — hence its odd appearance.)

Anyone else's tweets we should keep an eye on? Send us more Twitter usernames, please — or email us your favorite tweets.