'Lily' Wants $3 Million for Tales of Dating Tesla CEO

Sunny Huang, a California woman who goes by "Asian Beauty Lily" online, wants $3 million for the story of her "glamorous and loving relationship" with Elon Musk, the CEO of troubled electric automaker Tesla Motors.

Huang is auctioning off the rights to a tell-all book between now and May 30, 2009. Musk and Huang dated in 2003, according to Huang's website, Roomsofhorror.com. At that time, Musk was still married to his wife Justine, whom he is divorcing.
Huang also claims to have dated John Tu, the CEO of memory-chip maker Kingston Technology. Here's Huang's bio:
Actress, model, writer, and film producer Lily wrote two books about her true horrifying experiences while she was dating Elon Musk -founder of Paypal, and John Tu - President of Kingston technology, at her old, gloomy, dark, cold and eerily quiet apartment. She believes it was haunted. In her books, she wrote how inexplicable forces of nature arose in their glamorous and loving relationships. Read how supernatural powers can and do affect our daily lives and love. If you want to discover and experience what happened in her relationships and the frightening events in her apartment, please read these scary books… if you dare!
Currently, she is producing a horror movie entitled "Rooms Of Horror".
And here's her brief summary of her relationship with Musk:

Lily dated with Elon Musk in 2003. Lily experienced much more horrifying events while she was dating Elon at her old, gloomy, dark and eerily quiet apartment. She has just finished this book, entitled "ASIAN BEAUTY-HOUSE OF HORROR". It is another scary book. It is available to buy at auction. Minimum bid is $ 3 Million US dollars, of course, the highest bidder will acquire all the rights to this book.
This is, as far as we can determine, not a complete hoax. Huang actually exists, according to the woman she hired to create the website. The domain was registered on February 19. Metadata in the site's pages say it was created by superbatcat.com, the website of Southern California Web designer Kieu Le. According to Le, Huang hired her via a Craigslist ad and met her in person. Le says the person she met resembles the photographs of "Asian Beauty Lily" that Huang provided for the Roomsofhorror.com website.

So what's going on here? Here are some theories:

- Huang actually did carry on relationships with Musk (left, top) and Tu (left, bottom), and is hoping her ex-lovers will buy her silence by paying for "rights" to her "books" and "movie."
- Perhaps she really is writing fascinating tales of the paranormal and technological.
- Or she's just crazy and made the whole thing up.
Whatever the case, we've kind of fallen for "Asian Beauty Lily" and her multimedia crusade for millions. She is showering the kind of disturbing attention normally reserved for Hollywood studio bosses and politicians on two unpreposessing geek CEOs. We see only one hitch with her scheme, if it's a scheme: Musk (left, top) no longer has the $328 million fortune Huang reports, most of which he made from selling PayPal to eBay for $1.5 billion. We hear he's down to some $20 million in cash, having plunged much of his fortune into Tesla and his other startup, SpaceX. Should have picked a flusher publisher, Sunny! Tu, on the other hand, sounds kind of cool. He's worth an estimated $4 billion, and plays drums in a band.
Here's Huang's Rooms of Horror trailer: