Today we have a celebrity with a terrible pickup line, an actress whose boyfriend thinks they're dating but she says they're really not, and a reality star who had sex parties in high school.

1) "Which sexy NYC-based celeb's pickup line needs a little improvement? 'Have we met?' he asks. 'Have we had sex? No? Do you want to?' " [NYDN]

2) "This B list movie actress and A list wannabe made it very clear this week to the only rich guys she was hitting on, that despite what is being written in the tabloids about her being in a relationship, that they are in fact, 'friends' and that she can date whomever she wishes. That however is not what her other half has been saying. He thinks they are a couple and told everyone he encountered over the weekend as such." [CDaN]

3) "This reality star has a really interesting past. Although on television he/she is romantically involved with someone of the opposite sex, the past hints at the opposite. As a wild high school student, the reality star would throw off-campus sex parties to which only members of their same sex were invited." [Blind Gossip]