That White House summit of young business leaders actually happened. We know because our new economic saviors are posting their cameraphone pics on Twitter. Here's noted thought leader Ivanka Trump and Twitter founder Ev Williams.

We're still waiting for a more thorough after action report, but for now, here's TOMS Chief Shoe Giver (yes, that's his actual title) Blake Mycoskie, who blogs this comforting thought, "The administration really does want our input, each gave their personal email addresses and encouraged dialogue."

According to CNET's Caroline McCarthy, other attendees included "Kluster founder Ben Kaufman, Zappos founder Tony Hsieh, Toms Shoes founder Blake Mycoskie, Threadless exec Jake Nickell, marketer Josh Spear, former Googler Chris Sacca, and the one everyone's making the jokes about—Twitter co-founder Evan Williams."

Below, some more visual evidence.

Mycoskie and Threadless founder and Chief Strategy Officer Jake Nickell.

Trump and Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, who, now that he's done saving the economy, will be appearing on Celebrity Apprentice this Sunday.