Magazine Owner Seeks 17 Unpaid Interns After Buying $50 Million Jet

Andy Warhol famously said everyone would be famous for 15 minutes; if Peter Brant has his way, everyone will work for Warhol's old magazine Interview for 15 hours. For free.
Brant has been cutting costs at his Brant Publications, which includes Interview, Art in America and The Magazine Antiques. He recently parted ways with Interview's publisher, creative director and co-editorial director amid concerns over the magazine's profitability.
Judging from a spate of 17 Brant Publications job postings on Mediabistro today, the publisher has more cuts on his mind. None of the positions (see attached images) comes with a salary, though the company will generously provide a stipend for transportation expenses. Most of the jobs expect the intern to work two-to-three days per week, a Warholian 15 hours or so.

You have to admire Brant's chutzpah: he's seeking free labor not only for editorial and fashion work — arguably slightly glamorous feeling, sometimes, if you're in a good mood or drunk — but for jobs in circulation, advertising and (ha ha ha ha ha) accounting. Maybe some undergraduate trying to make her name in New York's burgeoning financial sector will pick up one of those "internships."

Brant should hope so. If the billionaire can't fill these positions with corporate slaves, he might have to to cancel one of his jaunts to Palm Beach with wife and Interview contributing editor Stephanie Seymour (pictured).

What a waste it would be to leave his new $50 million Bombardier Global Express idling in a hangar somewhere!