Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Oprah share one goal: They want to know what you're feeling. Zuckerberg prefers you tell him via computer, though, so why's he going on her show tomorrow?

In past interviews, whenever Zuckerberg was greeted by a personal question, he usually returned it with a blank stare. Why are you wasting my time? was the unspoken thought. But Brad Stone reports on Bits that Zuckerberg's parents will be in the audience for tomorrow's broadcast — so it seems like family questions will be on the agenda. This could be the best Oprah trainwreck since Tom Cruise jumped the couch.

Of course, Oprah being Oprah, Oprah will also be on the agenda. She's almost certainly going to plug her new Facebook page, one of the first to adopt an advertising-friendly redesign. So after some awkward banter, we expect the pair will get down to the real business at hand: mutual self-promotion.

(Photoillustration by Richard Blakeley)