It's technically shabbos but the gossip wheels keep churning. No rest for the weary, I suppose. Up next: broken hearts, broken contracts, broken skin and the return of demon Zoe.

  • Patrick Swayze isn't looking so good these days but says he's doing okay. [Sun]
  • A dog bites a woman. P6 pens 308 words because dog belonged to Lance Bass' ex-boyfriend. [P6]
  • In Paris for Fashion Week, Rachel Zoe, the anthropomorphized fashion raisin, was being trailed by a Bravo camera crew which leads one to the stunning conclusion that a second season of her sadistic show The Rachel Zoe Project is on.


  • Mandy Moore's iPod is bereft of any of her husband, Ryan Adams, music. At least she has better taste in songs than she does men. [NYP]
  • Publishing house Simon and Sucker who once paid MC Hammer $61,000 to write a book never got that book and now want their money back. Hammer, as we all know, is bankrupt. So good luck with that. [NYDN]