Evil Cheney Rears Penguin Head, Still Evil

Man mountain of evil shmutz Dick Cheney recently appeared on CNN. Thank God, he's remanded to punditry forevermore. In two more years, he'll just be an evil florist.
Gabriel Snyder floated the theory this morning via IM that Cheney is being strategically employed by the Obama administration to remind Americans just how lucky they are to have Bush/Cheney gone. Cheney's appearance on John King's State of the Union was like meeting up with an ex and all he does is talk about himself and doesn't even ask you about what's going on in your life and so you leave the brunch feeling happy that you've broken up even though you may not have found your new true love yet at least you're not with that asshole still. If so, Cheney is performing a truly heroic and selfless act-perhaps his first—by playing the role of evil Dr. Strangelove pony penguin.