Failed CEO Dick Hardt Takes His Name Too Literally
Our old friend Dick Hardt, the Vancouver-based entrepreneur whose last startup flamed out and drew a lawsuit by investors, has resurfaced at Microsoft. And, according to photos he just posted, he has nothing to hide.
Absolutely nothing. According to Dick's posts on Twitter, he begged his new bride, Jennifer Hardt, to let him post "R-rated" pictures from the couple's recent Maui wedding. After holding out for a week, she finally relented, and he posted a link to the photos on Twitter. Since Dick felt so free in sharing them, we didn't see why we should hold them back from you:

Alas, they really are only R-rated. So there's no way to verify how accurate a name "Dick Hardt" really is.
Now that we've seen the Hardts in the altogether, the only remaining mystery he's left us: After his previous company, Sxip Identity, went under, how is it that Dick had enough money to throw a wedding in Maui and pay a photographer for arty nudie pics?