They thought they were safe in their Connecticut palaces, but oh no: top AIG execs face death threats, angry neighbors in their driveways and tabloid photographers. Then there's the roving band of irate poors.

A political group supported by organized labor is planning a bus tour of AIG homes this weekend, according to a front-page New York Times story on the fate of these sad, bonus-dappled plutocrats. The leader of the group, Connecticuit Working Families party, promises to try and not "foment... unnecessarily" all the anger and "rage about what's happened."

He just wants to take a bunch of unemployed and foreclosed-upon people with nothing to lose, put them on a bus, and show them exactly what they're missing, and who to blame.

Anyway, the Times' story has precisely one secondhand report of a death threat, one angry neighbor in a driveway and a couple of pissed off Connecticut residents. None of the various Connecticut police departments contacted by the newspaper has heard anything about any sort of danger to these rich guys.

But still, let's feel anxious and a little ashamed of ourselves, on behalf of these wealthy executives. All that stands between them and terrible, fearsome populist mobs are their private security guards, their lawns, their state-of-the-art security systems, several flights of probably marble stairs and the entrenched political/law-enforcement establishment they bought over the past couple of decades, when the gettin' was good.

(Well, it's pretty good now, actually. When they gettin' was amazing.)