Nobody Cares About Dead Reporters
In your "not really spring" Tuesday column: Obama to meet "bloggers"(??), journalists die while nobody notices, newspapers scrounge for ideas, and Eliot Spitzer's a media darling!:

Barack Obama: he talks to any old "media" person! He's even planning to meet with liberal bloggers soon. If Ken Layne and Glenn Greenwald aren't invited, it's a sham, FULL STOP.

Wanna get away with murder? Kill a journalist. A new report says (summary alert) that basically reporters are getting killed across the globe with little outcry or other consequence, and check this one out, friends: "Since the U.S. invasion [of Iraq] in 2003, at least 88 journalists have been murdered, with no convictions."

Can better online ad optimization strategies save the newspaper business? No, and they don't make for incredibly engaging reading, either. But don't worry, at least one senator thinks papers should be allowed to operate as nonprofits. And at least one investor thinks there are still ten newspapers worth acquiring! Hey, when you're done buying those, Hachette has some enthusiast magazines you might be interested in! Please?

Whoa, Eliot Spitzer's been all over the media this week, with the reading and the writing and the being written about. John Koblin calls it "the Spitzer resurrection project of 2009." Too soon? An easy test: "'He's really invigorated,' said David Plotz, his editor at Slate." Heh, I bet he's "invigorated"—by hookers! Yea, too soon.