The discontent among Beltway-prestigious news outlets is reportedly palpable: Barack Obama didn't call on the New York Times, Washington Post or Wall Street Journal tonight, but did call on a bunch of hippie freaks.

Let's see who is in this rogues gallery of "alternative" media people:

  • Ebony Magazine - Kevin Chappell asked about "tent cities."
  • Stars and Stripes - Kevin Baron - mumbled a probably-decent question about veteran benefits.
  • Politico - Mike Allen came from Time so he barely counts. Asked why the president hates charity.
  • Univision - Lourdes Meluza asked if troops are needed at the border, and whether the situation there is a national security threat. Along with Stephen Collinson of AFP (how many times do you think George W. Bush called on that frog outlet?) asked the only foreign policy question.

This is the second time Obama left the top newspaper reporters out in the cold. Like they don't have enough headaches. Stimulus starts at home, Mr President.

But then, so does sacrifice.