Today we have an offender of Judaism, a mean actor who got served, a ruined hotel room, an off-putting photography hobby, and a celebrity deliberately gaining weight.

1) "Which sexy movie actress angered paying members of a trendy downtown synagogue by showing up with her bodyguard, who in formed the women at the door, 'Ms. [Blank] wishes to enter as a [non paying] guest'? Complained one member of the congregation, 'I think it is BS that rich celebs can walk around this city asking for a free pass.' " [P6]

2) "Which mouthy actor had a waitress dump a scalding cup of coffee in his lap - right after he smacked her bottom?" [NYDN]

3) "Which celeb caused £2,000 damage at a luxury hotel when he told pals to throw flowers at him during karaoke? They flung cigs, booze and a jug instead" [Mirror]

4) "This A list rap star who goes by one name has a photography collection of which he is very proud. What are they? He enjoys going to playgrounds and taking photos of the children playing there. He has thousands of photos he has accumulated from all over the world. He doesn't try and hide the collection from his friends, although all of them find his hobby and his enthusiasm for it very disturbing. Not Kanye." [CDaN]

5) "Which tabloid-favorite actress is purposefully packing on the pudge so she can launch her own weight loss line? She's hoping to lose the first 20 pounds quickly, and cash in by following the "miracle" in a series of infomercials." [BlindGossip]