Who Got Elbowed in the Face For Asking a Girl For Blow?

Today in cathartic speculation about the private lives of others: an "A-list hunk" smacked by a lady who's not a coke whore, an actor lying about his age, and a flirty TV news personality:
1) "Which A-list hunk got elbowed in the face by a girl after demanding she get him a bag of blow? The damsel clocked him after he called her a few (unprintable) names." [NYDN]
2) "A reader named Kelly e-mailed me something she saw on the Twitter feed of Scott Simon from National Public Radio. Scott basically posted a blind item, and now it is up to you to figure it out. This is a first. A Twitter blind item. Scott has no plans to reveal who the actor is, but I actually think it should not be that difficult if you find out where Scott went to high school.
'I was 2 yrs behind a guy in hs who's now famous actor. but pub sez he's 9 yrs younger than me. musta been brilliant to graduate at 8!'" [CDaN]
3) "Which national TV news personality is getting a little too friendly with a colleague at work? At least one of these people is supposedly in a solid marriage, but neither can seem to resist the charms of their colleague, whose good-natured teasing just seems to hit the spot. Little gifts have been exchanged, and their affection for each other is obvious to everyone around them. This is more than a little worrisome for the show's producers, who don't want any more controversy at their show." [Blind Gossip]