Poor US Freelancers Trapped in North Korea

North Korea does not let in journalists, except for the odd random one with a great cover story. If you're a reporter sneaking in, you better have big time backup. Not, for example, Current TV.
North Korea's getting ready to indict two Americans they caught trying to sneak in to report for Current TV, the Al Gore-spawned "everybody report now!" website that is decidedly not who you want behind you in a sticky international situation. Shit, they're staring down the prospect of being sent to jail in North Korea, okay? Wrap your mind around that shit. We'd be pissing our pants even if we had Bill Keller calling the State Department for us. What do you threaten the North Korean judicial system with, as a freelancer for Current TV? "This detention will be blogged! Once I get out."
Let's hope they make it home without celebrating any birthdays over there. Please forward them Moe's how-to guide for future reference.
[Pic via North Korean Propaganda Posters, translation: "Do not forget the US imperialist wolves!"