Uber-pollster Nate Silver is moving to New York, from Chicago, thus becoming even more like Malcolm Gladwell. But he's not relocating to become a guru to the masses. His precious statistics want the move.

Silver of course explained his decision through an adorable pie chart:

Silver adds:

...truth be told, the decision isn't nearly as scientific as all of that. I love cities — their intrinsic vitality, their polyphony of cultures, their food (!) — and as a lover of cities, I'd feel stupid if I were lying on my deathbed and hadn't lived in New York for at least a couple of years.

Translation: "I want to become a fabulously wealthy Gladwellian corporate consultant" and/or "I met a girl." Which only makes the move an even better idea.

That and the fact that winner-caller extraordinaire Silver's geographic endorsement gives everyone else in Gotham an excuse to proclaim that the city is "BACK." (Just don't mention the Oscars.)
