Today we have a starlet who's being cheated on, something that I'm pretty sure is about Jen A., and a reality star who tried to shmooze with the glitterati just a bit too much.

1) "Which starlet turns a blind eye to her athlete boyfriend's philandering ways? Her dream is to get a diamond ring so she can finally leave the business." [NYDN]

2) "This A list actress is more famous for one lucky television role than the truly awful acting she has done in movies. Well, she had a recent breakup. Her publicity machine cranked out every story it could to say she was the one who had done the breaking up with her singer boyfriend. Well, this may be true, but then why would the singer have to change his phone number and e-mail address after she wouldn't stop trying to contact him? When she couldn't reach the singer why would she start calling all of his friends to beg them for his number? What she is telling his friends is that she can't move on without some kind of closure." [CDaN]

3) "Before she appeared on TV, this reality star worked behind the counter of a department store frequented by A-list celebrities. She was so desperate to be noticed that every time a celebrity came in to the store she would emerge from behind the counter, introduce herself, and start chatting with the celebrity as if they were at a party. Several celebrities complained about her creepy and overly familiar behavior, and she was fired for unprofessional conduct." [BlindGossip]