On Tuesday we asked you to guess the next Real World city. The 18% of you who guessed Washington D.C. might be on to something! If this job posting from producer Bunim/Murray is any indication.

The company, which has produced all 257 seasons of Real World as well as other reality dreck, has put an ad on EntertainmentCareers.net looking for a "FULL TIME" production accountant for an as-yet-unnamed reality series filming in the Beltway area:

Really this makes complete sense. Ever since Barry O. came shuffling up to politics, his groundswell populist hat in hand, DC is a cool, inspiring, exciting place to be. You couldn't have been a bigger square in squaresville if you lived and worked in the city during Bush's millennium kick-off reign of terror. But now everyone wants in. The cast mates could be, like, political volunteers or something! Imagine the effect! The change! The hope!