The Twitterati Are Left Crying in Istanbul

Anyone have a handkerchief? What? Oh, nothing in particular — just the tearjerking phenomenon of seemingly intelligent people like Jake Tapper, Rachel Sklar, and Paul Carr spending so much time sharing so little on Twitter:

Foul-mouthed, abusive, self-loathing Guardian gadfly Paul Carr made a joke as outdated as Wired editor Chris Anderson's economic theories.

Allegedly reformed White House press-corps lothario Jake Tapper reported on others' sleeping arrangements.

Jossip blogger Drew Grant took the Kal Penn news particularly hard.

Chicago Tribune food writer Monica Eng took her job a bit too seriously.

Rachel Sklar of Abrams Research hosted Techmeme founder Gabe Rivera on a trip east.
Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets — or send us more Twitter usernames.