Today we have a secretly bitchy nice girl, an actor/comic/TV host who thinks he's a big deal when he actually isn't, and an in-college actor who is partying all the time and sleeping with their professor.

1) "Which seemingly down-to-earth starlet is actually a wicked diva? When she wasn't featured as prominently as her other cast members in a recent photo shoot, she left the set in a huff." [NYDN]

2) "Last night at Barnes & Noble at The Grove there was quite the line wrapped around and around. People were waiting patiently in line to either check out or to get their parking validated. There was only one person working the front and so the line was taking unusually long to move.

As the "everyday people" were all waiting patiently, up comes this former A list television actor and show host who considers himself a funny man, but comes across as a skeevy perv. At one point in time it seemed as every show on the network had this guy on it. Our actor/comic/tool looked at the line and basically said forget this. He then went around the line to the front and if that wasn't bad enough, interrupted the person being checked out so that our actor/comic/tool could get his parking ticket validated. Way to win friends. Oh, and people did say things to him, but he totally ignored them. Oh, he was there with the current host of the show he used to host who was wandering around the store with some woman." [CDaN]

3) "This young actor received kudos for sacrificing a few years of earnings in order to obtain a college degree. However, their enthusiasm for academics has since waned substantially. Turns out that they are spending most of their time skipping class and partying. However, they will probably score an "A" in at least one class due to some extensive extra-credit work. They had just better hope that the professor's spouse doesn't find out." [BlindGossip]