Bernie Madoff's going to be locked up for infinity, but the fate of his family members is still up in the air. But guess who thinks those family members are going to prison? They do!

At least you can surmise that, by the fact that a couple of them have already asked about signing up for a course for white-collar criminals about how to survive on the inside. Madoff's niece Shana is the one named, and it's probably a smart move for her, since she was the "compliance" officer. The worst compliance officer ever.

"Shana was a compliance officer and signed a lot of documents, saying they were correct," the source said. "She may have a problem."

Levine said, "Another male member of Madoff's family also contacted me, independently" on the same subject.

So from this we may guess that Bernie's guilty plea will have a limited ability to protect his family members, and also that a thousand bucks is a small price to pay to learn valuable skills like:

Prevent Being RAPED
Avoiding and Spotting Informants
Dealing With Gang Members
Defusing A Confrontation
Prison Slang & Lingo
Avoiding Bad Prison Jobs
Getting A Lower Bunk Pass
Getting A Soft Shoe Permit
Microwave Cooking Techniques

[NYP, Wall St. Prison Consultants]