Egad what a lame bunch of blinds this morning. There is a rapper who sweats too much, two vain actors, and the aforementioned drunk.

Even the drunk isn't that great. This lady is still a total pro but apparently everyone is concerned that she likes to add a little Dutch courage to her afternoon coffee. Grow up! It's Friday! You're only young once, and the less you remember of it the less bitter your golden years will be, right?

1) Which rap titan sweats so profusely during shows that even hard-core female fans won't go near him until he changes? [NYDN]

2) This D list movie and television actress with A+ list name recognition keeps auditioning for teenage and early 20's acting roles. The problem she hasn't realized yet is that all the meth she keeps consuming is making her look 40 and as a consequence hears one no after another for decent roles. Producers don't want to tell her that though for fear of making her angry or upset which could be very bad for future business. [CDaN]

3) Women aren't the only ones who are occasionally in denial about their age. This West Coast actor in the forty-ish range is planning on playing a teenager in his next film. No, it's not like one of those 'Big' or '17 Again' scenarios, where the character knows he is one age but is pretending to be another. This actor really thinks he can still pass for a teenager.

"Those around him won't tell him to his face that they think he will look like a fool trying to play a character twenty plus years younger, but they sure are talking about it behind his back. Dude, get a clue." [BlindGossip}

4) "This young and pretty television actress is a pro on the set. Always on time. Always know her lines. But that may not last long. She has started drinking on a regular basis. It doesn't take a party for her to pour a little something extra into her beverages. A shot in the afternoon coffee, some vodka in the water bottle. Girl, you're not hiding it as well as you think. Please get help." [BlindGossip]