Sara Nelson, who was recently laid off as the editor of Publishers Weekly, so she's freelancing. But one mystery publication's asshole editor gave her so much trouble she outed him, blind item-style. Guess:

Sara Nelson's been moved to tears, working on this story for this demanding editor for weeks, trying to get it right. WHO IS IT?

Now, it's important to say that this was not a high-paying job, and while it was prestigious, it wasn't "leading to" anything big or important. It was just, after all, a gig ...

I fielded yet another critical email from this editor, who seemed to be getting nastier with every passing week. (What his particular pathology is I can only imagine -– but I bet it has something to do with sensing when somebody is down and being unable to resist going for a jugular that's so nicely exposed.) As I was reading, I started to feel that thickness in my throat, the feeling I've come to recognize as a sob coming on. And then, I just...stopped. "It's him, not me," I said out loud (luckily no one else was in the room). I reminded myself of my friend's advice about canceling the whole deal, and even hauled up some other reactions I'd gotten from acquaintances when I mentioned who I was working with. (Many were the eyes that rolled.) And of course, my typical rejoinder-to-self -– the one that goes "I, I haven't been so great here, either, I did blah blah and blah blah" ( all of which is code for "Maybe he's right and I really am a loser" ) -– made an appearance. But you know what? Call it psychological progress, or confidence, or just plain exhaustion, but somehow I just pushed all that self-blaming stuff away.

"I think we should call off the whole thing," I emailed him. "This is too much trouble and anxiety for both of us."... he mumbled (even in email it sounded like mumbling) something like, "You're right, I'm sorry. Take care."

And so I did, right after I took this supposedly execrable story and called another, even better publication, one that not only thanked me for sending it but posted it within the hour.

Guesses go in the comments. Uh...somebody from the NYT maybe? They're pretty prestigious and non-high-paying.