How could one possibly make Twitter even more of an exercise in self-absorption? How about by broadcasting yourself on national TV while using Twitter? Oprah's big Twitter show is on right now and we're watching.

The show starts with Oprah excited about joining Twitter. (How adorable!) We know Oprah just got on Facebook a month ago and Twitter is all new to you. But how could you manage to hit "Refresh" rather than "Update" on your first tweet?

"Anyway, whatever!" she says. And that's why Oprah will win at the Twittersphere just like she does in all other media: It's her willingness to be exceptionally average, to get things wrong, to muddle along. Just like her millions of fans — the people who are probably hearing about Twitter for the first time today.

For some real amusement, check out Oprah sidekick Gayle King's Twitter feed. She complains about not being able to get her own name for her Twitter account, and manages to be even more inept at Twitter than her pal:

Ashton Kutcher plies Oprah with a lame explanation for his million-Twitter-follower race with CNN: It's not about a celebrity trying to feed his insatiable ego, it's about the "democratization of media."

Later in the show Oprah stumps Twitter CEO Ev Williams on how he can ferret out impostors on the service. "Our people know your people," is the best explanation he offers, and Oprah's pals don't buy it.