Pretty-boy cottage blog mogul David Hauslaib has shuttered his flagship gossip site, Jossip. It had been for sale since last March, but apparently no one wants to buy a blog in these worrisome times.

Well, the technical term for the shut down is a "hiatus," but both of the site's editors, Cord Jefferson and Drew Grant, have been fired, Grant tells us. At least she has another gig lined up, over at the axed media types complaint haus,

Earlier this year Hauslaib jettisoned two other under-performing titles, Hollywood rag Mollygood and "urban" fetishist Stereohyped. The mini-empire's gay site Queerty will continue to putter along, as it's continued to attract, despite its hideous new redesign, a loyal base of underwear model fans and reactionary hissy-fit throwers.