Pulitzer Rumor Mill: NYT Wins For Spitzer Coverage

It's Pulitzer day! Our first wild Pulitzer rumor: that the NYT won the 'Breaking News' category for its Eliot Spitzer scandal coverage (sexy!). Heard more Pulitzer rumors? Email us, or put them in the comments.
The full list of prizes will be announced at 3 p.m., but word tends to leak out as champagne is carted in.
Here are the Times first-day Spitzer stories: the web-only breaking version, and the version from the paper. The latter is credited to 25 different people:
Danny Hakim reported from Albany and William K. Rashbaum from New York City. Reporting for this and other articles about Gov. Eliot Spitzer was contributed by Jennifer Anderson, Cara Buckley, Sewell Chan, Sushil Cheema, David W. Chen, Alison Leigh Cowan, Jane Gottlieb, Jason Grant, Kate Hammer, Patrick Healy, Raymond Hernandez, C. J. Hughes, Andrew Jacobs, Daryl Khan, David Kocieniewski, Serge F. Kovaleski, Angela Macropoulos, Colin Moynihan, Don Van Natta Jr., Patrick McGeehan, Jeremy W. Peters, Sam Roberts and Stacey Stowe.