What happens after The Real World? Y'know, like, before you go on one of the Challenges? Well, if you're Scott from the recent Brooklyn iteration, you advertise Snuggies like they're goin' outta style. (They are.)

Yes, my best friend Scott has been spotted hawking Snuggies, those wrap-around blanket jackets that are rip-offs of the far more desirable Slanket. It's the chosen garment of both shut-in alcoholics and wizard LARPers, so this is a big get for Scotty. At left is a picture!
It also makes me think about other Real Worlders, where they've been, where they will go. MTVizzle has cast bios of its current Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel 2 roster, but they're mostly evasive and don't really answer any burning questions like: "Do you live in a shack by the railroad tracks?" or "What's hepatitis really like?" So, oh well. Here's another picture of musclebound actor wannabe Scott, shilling for blankets with holes in them.