Ghetto Pass was a written tour of "the people and places of browner territories". Yesterday photo-auteur Diana and I frolicked about El Barrio with hopes of capturing a beautiful spring day in pictures.

It's all about the name. Which oil do you think smells most seductive: "Barack" or "Be Delicious Night"?

Since 1929? Impressive. I like the pricing flexibility in the sign. It's like a restaurant advertising: "Everything is Hamburgers, or chicken or vegetable." Can't lose, really.

Good place to shop for your white elephant gift?

This girl was so cute. First she was like, oh no, don't take my picture. Then a half-second later her cheeks were probably throbbing from all the camera-mugging.

We loved this guy. He had a copy of an old newspaper which had the same picture and pose that you see here. Only 30-40 years ago. It's his "Blue Steel"! He's lived in East Harlem for 59 years. I think he has a Puerto Rican Frank Sinatra look about him.

Apparently, the kids like to match their vest with the traffic cone and graffiti these days.

Awww, it feels so much safer in East Harlem these days.

See, I wasn't lying! Gang Gentrification will not let you down! (we kid the liberal do-gooders, but these guys and gals are with City Year and are doing wonderful things in the neighborhood. I presume.)

Look at all this pharmacy has to offer. Now ask if your downtown pharmacy is up to the challenge of being America's Next Top Pharmacy.

When was the last time you were in a bodega with your fancy-schmancy pogo stick?

There's only one rule in Spanish Harlem: you can't leave without getting your multi-colored icey on. Mmm, tastes like flan!

And that's a wrap for this summery spring weekend. Reach me at TAN if you need to. And I'll see you next Saturday. Same TAN-time, same TAN-channel.