Before We All Forget the Photo-Op Terror of 4/27
So this thing happened today where a large jet circled low over Manhattan, chased by a fighter jet. Turns out it was just a government photo-op, ha ha. But people were scared, and took pictures.
Because, really, what a spectacular bungle that was. Only after people fled their downtown office buildings in 9/11 flashback terror, did anyone who knew what was really going on think to send someone over with a bullhorn to tell everyone that it was nothing to worry about. It was insensitive and dumb, to be sure, but also a strange display in how a community can remember together. A scary and sad reminder that the city, or at least some of us in it, might always keep one worried eye trained on the sky.

So if you see anything else, here, beneath low-flying planes, take a picture. Citizen journalism! Or whatever.