This has been around since yesterday but, you know, we're moving slowly. Who is the National Geographic Channel host who is terribly missed by the sad lady that asked Cary Tennis for help?

The advice-seeking letter — about a relationship that ended when maybe it shouldn't have, about The One That Got Away — is wrenching and bleak, and Tennis' response does its best to try and comfort a mostly uncomfortable situation, but it all mostly left us wondering: Who is this man, on National Geographic TV with his new fabulous wife?

He has been in a relationship with a very well-matching woman for years now, they own a house together, they teach together, they're on freaking National Geographic programs together. He's done, he's found it, he's got his life. It's as perfect as I knew it would be. ... His high profile — not only in my field (we have so many people in common, even now and even though he lives in California) but also on the Internet and TV and magazines, yadda yadda, makes it nearly impossible to just move on. I can purchase a poster of his partner through the National Geographic bookstore if I so choose. There is nowhere to hide.

The full sad letter (and meandering response) is at Salon.

We don't really have any guesses, but we kind of wish that it was Casey Anderson and Brutus the Bear (or, you know, his wife, actress Missy Pyle).