Every political résumé polished and fluffed. But why is San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom, running for California's governorship, stretching the truth about his actress wife's show-biz career?

If Jennifer Siebel Newsom were a successful Hollywood player, her Tinseltown celebrity would surely help her husband's run for office. But she's not. Here's what Newsom's campaign site has to say about California's would-be First Lady:

Jennifer is also a working actress having starred in various shows such as NBC'S "Life," AMC'S "Mad Men," and CBS' "Numb3rs." She has performed in various studio and independent films such as "In The Valley of Elah," "Rent," "Something's Gotta Give" and she has an upcoming role on NBC's pilot "Trauma."

A glance at IMDB reveals that her acting career is not quite that elevated. She had one scene in one episode of Mad Men; she played a receptionist in Rent.

Oddly, Newsom doesn't mention the one movie in which Jennifer did legitimately play a starring role: The Trouble With Romance. The film, which had a brief theatrical run in New York City in February and March, showed her disrobing for a threeway. Just wait until the couple's offspring downloads that!