DC Is So Excited For Prom!

Did you know that the White House Correspondents Association Dinner is only 8 shopping days away? The teenage girls of the DC press corps are so psyched!
This is a terrible party that happens every year with an awkward dinner and some light entertainment and usually terrible jokes and then there are some kinda lame parties. It is a giant symbol of how "the press" is "in bed" with the people they "cover," yes, but it is also just a sad example of how uptight DC is.
This is the first WHCD of the Barack Obama era though! He got Wanda Sykes, who is black and gay, to do the entertainment, instead of the usual "straight white man" comedian! So it will be a totally hot ticket. Hollywood celebrities will be there and everything!
* CNN: Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore
* ABC News: David and Susan Axelrod; Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff; Peter Orszag, Director, Office of Management and Budget; Valerie Jarrett, senior presidential advisor; Jackie Norris, First Lady's Chief of Staff; Leon Panetta, CIA Director; Susan Rice, UN Ambassador; Justice Antonin Scalia; Meghan McCain; Jon and Dorothea Bon Jovi; Kate Walsh; Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel
* NY Daily News: Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger
* Fortune: George Lucas and Glenn Close
* People: Sting and Trudie Styler, Miranda Cosgrove, Kevin Bacon, Forest Whitaker, Jon Hamm, Eva Longoria Parker, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, Brooke Shields
* Glamour: Narciso Rodriguez, Alicia Keys, Kenneth Cole, Kerry Washington and White House social secretary Desiree Rogers
* USA Today: Tim Daly, Justin Long, Richard Belzer, Deputy White House Chief of Staff Mona Sutphen, Dept. of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Michelle Obama staffer Jocelyn Frye
* Atlantic Magazine:Ed Westick (Gossip Girl), Newt Gingrich
* Others: Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Anne Hathaway
Now what do you notice about that list? ABC has all the best Obama people! What the hell! There are dark rumblings in DC that this is because George Stephanopoulos is buddies with fellow former Clinton staffer and current Obama chief of staff Rahm Emaneul. And they are all terribly offended! CBS and NBC want some administration officials for their tables too!
But CBS got Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck so screw you. People care a great deal about this nonsense! Just check out the new "White House Correspondents Weekend Insider" for a countdown clock and breathless party anticipation. (Lally got Geithner!)
The site is run by former Hardball producer Tammy Haddad, who we like! And maybe it is an elaborate prank to make the people in this bubble of mutual admiration look as ridiculously self-obsessed as they are! Or maybe it is just an accurate portrayal of the high school attitudes of the most famous journalists in the country.