Which Tween Star is a Lesbian Because She Dances With Girls?

Sometimes people play their roles correctly. Today's blind items: a tween star who talks to other girls and is therefore a gay, a weed-smoking rapper(!) and a drunk diva actress and her crackhead friends:
1) "This multi-talented tween star is frequently seen with cute boy stars, most of her own generation. One evening last week, however, she puzzled onlookers by ignoring every boy in the room in favor of talking, drinking, and dancing only with other girls. Is our little sweetheart actually gay? According to some of the girls in attendance, she is "curious" and "exploring her options". Is she a Pink in the making? Maybe." [BllindGossip]
2) "Which D-list rapper got in a hemp, er, heap, of trouble with event sponsors when he lit up a joint at their bash? They couldn't kick him out because he was the "big" celebrity name of the night, but they didn't end up paying him." [NYDN]
3) "This B list television actress on a very hit network drama has A list name recognition. She was paid to be at an event for two consecutive weekends for teens and was expected to be a good example for those in attendance. Strict? Yeah, but she was getting paid big bucks and could have skipped it if she didn't want to follow the rules. She chain-smoked her way through the thing, refusing to do most of the stuff she was being paid to do. (this included an argument over her check which she opened up and argued through most of a show she was in the audience for. Apparently she thought she was being paid less than what had been agreed on.)Don't ask me why the check didn't go straight to her agent, but I wonder if she did this on her own without coughing up the 10%.
She didn't want to do opening remarks for a C list male R&B singer with one huge monster hit, and not much else because she thought his people were "ogling her too much" She lied about her age and drank two bottles of wine the first night and ended up drunk off her ass with people pushing her in the right direction of where to go and what to do. If any of the audience tried for an autograph or picture of her while she was walking around, she would put up her hand to block her face and ignore them. These same kids that paid to be at an event she was HOSTING.
Her first weekend there she was with her family. The next weekend, she brought her friends, including this D list movie actor who was in one of the biggest franchise movies of all-time and has really done nothing since, and looked like he was on crack the entire night. She was required to get approval for her outfits beforehand and when the event organizers came to check on it, she ignored them.
On the other hand, this annoying female A list singer (for now), but probably just a one year wonder who we will hopefully never hear from again was headlining the event, was sweet and appreciative. There was bad blood between her and our hostess because they apparently got into it over this A list movie actor who starred in a failing television show before starring in one of the biggest movies of all-time. Our A list singer refused to be drawn into an argument while our hostess tried to bring it up several times by telling everyone that she was dating the A list actor now and that it was a secret. Uh huh. He does so much better than her." [CDaN]