Confirmed: Hipster Grifter in Custody

The Philadelphia police have confirmed to us that Kari Ferrell, a.k.a. the Hipster Grifter, was booked into custody last night at 10:35 p.m., as a fugitive from another jurisdiction. Looks like Kari told the truth!
She told Bucky Turco that she'd turned herself in, and whattaya know, that was in fact what happened. The Salt Lake City PD has promised to extradite her to face charges there, so presumably that will be the next step in this case.
Update: And it is. Det. Matthew Evans of the Salt Lake City PD's financial crimes unit says his department is working to bring Ferrell back to Utah. She's wanted there on six warrants alleging $60,000 in fraud, but he says additional charges are pending from people who have come forward since her story attracted blog-saturating coverage. Evans emails, "We have been working on it since Philly sent us the notification. Our fugitive squad will make contact with that law enforcement agency and arrange everything. She will be brought back here as soon as possible to face the charges she had already and some new ones from people who have come forward."
We've asked for a booking photo but we may or may not be able to get it. In the meantime, here is a Hipster Grifter Paper Foldable (courtesy of and a dramatic new video slideshow of three Kari pictures. The legend lives!